Understanding the CRM Dashboard

Updated Monday, January 31, 2022

The Dashboard in the Agent CRM provides metrics and information about the health of your leads and your business. This article will explain all charts and sections on the Dashboard page. 

% with Activity

This chart displays the overall percent of your leads that have had at least one activity on your website in the past 30 days.

Screenshot of Activity Percentage Chart

% Subscribed

This chart displays the overall percent of your leads that are subscribed to at least one subscription (subscriptions include Marketing Automation Campaigns, Market Reports or Email Alerts).

Screenshot of Subscribed Percentage Chart

Action Center

The Action Center provides data on actions you have taken in the past 7 days to develop your leads, and suggested actions you can take today.

Under “PAST 7 DAYS”:

  • # calls logged indicates the number of times you have added a “Call” type note to a Lead under the “HISTORY” tab
  • # subscribers added indicates the number of leads you have added a subscription to
  • # lead updated indicates the number of leads you have updated the pipeline status

Under “TODAY”:

  • Click on Call # uncontacted leads. You will be directed to a lead search filtered to show only leads with the “Uncontacted” pipeline status. As you add “Call” notes to leads, this number will decrease until you hit your goal for the day.
  • Click on Nurture # unsubscribed leads. You will be directed to a lead search filtered to show only leads without a subscription. As you add subscriptions to leads, this number will decrease until you hit your goal for the day.
  • Click on Update # leads’ statuses. You will be directed to a lead search filtered to show only leads with a blank pipeline status. As you add a pipeline status to leads, this number will decrease until you hit your goal for the day.

Screenshot of Action Center

Pipeline Status

The Pipeline Status chart displays the total number of leads in each of the following stages: Uncontacted, Attempted Contact, Nurturing, Under Contract and Closed (YTD). Note that “Dead” leads are not included in the chart, and only leads closed in the current year to date are counted in the “Closed (YTD)” section.

You can hover over each section in the “Pipeline Status” chart to see what percent of your leads are in each individual pipeline stage

Screenshot of Pipeline Status Chart

Lead Sources

The Lead Sources donut chart displays all sources your leads are coming from. You can hover over each section of the donut to see what percent of leads come from that source.

Screenshot of Lead Sources Chart

Upcoming Dates

The “Upcoming Dates” box will display any Birthdays or Anniversaries coming up in the next 7 days. You can click on a lead’s name in the box to open up their record, and use their email or address to send them a well-wishing or reminder to help develop your relationship.

Screenshot of Upcoming Dates

Lead Metric Comparisons - Past 12 Months

This section is a bar chart that can display 3 different types of metrics that have occurred in the past 12 months. The bar chart defaults to displaying Lead Actions.


A bar chart that shows the total number of lead actions that have occurred on your website per month for the past 12 months.


A bar chart that shows the total number of listings viewed on your website per month in the past 12 months.


A bar chart that shows the total number of searches saved on your website per month in the past 12 months.

Screenshot of Lead Metric Comparisons Chart

Lead Activity

This section displays site activity of your known leads. You can scroll to the bottom and click the “VIEW ALL” button to be directed to the “Lead Activity” page to view more lead activities that have occurred.

Screenshot of Lead Activity

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